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I love candles. I like clean scents mostly. I like capri blue as well and I am almost finished with the one I have. To get more information.visit: www.reasonablegifts.com


WoW! What an elegant designs. Love it.=D

Joe Cuello

Can you show me a variation of this elegant table centerpiece with something in red and green, please.

Jackie McMullen

Just read your post Deb! Ultra Congrats!!


I love the bedroom idea but I have a wrought iron bed with rustic pine furniture, any suggestions on how to boost the romantic feel in my bedroom!!


Inspiration!!! I needed this Debbie!! I'm off to visit the website..
Hope you are well..

Shabby Jen

Deb, your interior designs are just gorgeous and you made me excited for Christmas Holiday to start so I can use your ideas in my little home. I especially love the idea of the garland over the bed. Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

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